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WUNDERKIND. [ _ i used to do drugs but don't tell anyone or it will ruin my image]
3 novembre 2010

the book song

the book song
Things Other People AccomplishedWhen They Were Your Age # At age 23: John Singleton directed his first film, "Boyz 'N the Hood." T. S. Eliot wrote "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock." John Keats wrote "Ode on a Grecian Urn," which ends with the lines,...
17 juin 2009

don't smoke in bed

don't smoke in bed
Jinx © Concept: 7 hommes. Un par jour. Tout ce que vous voulez d'eux. Tant que ça reste outrageusement sauvage (ou pas). Groupie mode ON. MONDAY . richey james edwards Parce que personne ne portera aussi bien le manteau léopard que lui. PERSONNE. Pas...
9 avril 2009

browse all tv show by category

browse all tv show by category
Celui avec lequel tu n'as aucun point commun mais que tu adores # Rayanne Graff . My So Called Life Celui avec lequel tu as des points communs mais que n'aimes pas # Lindsay Weir . Freaks & Geeks Celui avec lequel tu n'as aucun point commun et que tu...
4 mars 2009


Things Other People Accomplished When They Were Your Age # At age 21: Italian violinist and composer Giuseppe Tartini had a dream in which he sold his soul to the Devil. The piece he wrote upon waking, the "Devil's Sonata," was the best he ever wrote,...
6 février 2009

be my baby

be my baby
Tagged by Bonnie Parker "Open the 6'th picture-folder on your computer, open the 6'th photo and blog it. Write something about it. Then tag 6 more people to do the same." Angoisse. J'ai eu peur durant un court instant de tomber sur un de mes dossiers...
2 janvier 2009

sex type thing

[PARCE ANNALISA JABLONSKA L'A FAIT] Artiste de l'année Scarlett Johansson Album de l'année Neimo - Modern Incidental Morceau de l'année The Duke Spirit - The Step and The Walk Clip de l'année Beck - Gamma Ray (2nd version, avec Chloe Sevigny) Concert...
25 décembre 2008


25 octobre 2008

thank you

13 octobre 2008

director's cut

director's cut
FACEBOOK KNOWS ME BETTER THAN I KNOW MYSELF 1. Starbucks! Which Drink is Meant for You? HOT CHOCOLATE Keeping it Classy! A classic favorite at Starbucks, Hot Chocolate is a sweet and creamy drink that warms the heart. With mocha and vanilla syrups, steamed...
14 septembre 2008

are you a type a or a type b?

are you a type a or a type b?
15 Lasts What was the last thing you ate? chocolat framboise What was the last thing you said? quelqu'un pourrait pas se dévouer pour aller m'acheter un billet de train histoire que j'aille en cours demain? What was the last song you heard? quix*o*tic...
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